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I loved this game so much! This is my gameplay! :)

(2 edits)

Awesome game! Here is my video of it!

Awesome game! Here is my video of it!

i cant open it after it is done downloading


What is system requirement


That is incorrect! The correct answer is, "What are, minimum system requirements?" Jokes aside, I recommend about 3Ghz and 8 Gigs of RAM. Minimum may be 2Ghz and 4 Gigs of RAM

What 2 SAY? GREAT!

Excellent work, Students of University of Skövde..Awesome graphics, Atmo,


Gameplay "Notes of Obsession" One of the Best Indie Horrorgames 2016!

Fantastic game! Really high quality! Have made a let's play video of it!!

Wonderful little game. Very atmospheric. **Spoiler somewhat coming up here...** Is the creature the protagonist's son?

Oh thank god it works!! Yes! It just runs very slow. But it'll get better. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I recorded myself playing this game in my basement:

it jut says application not found

i need help i download it it but i cat open it

(2 edits)

OK! So i've officially completed the game. I have to say the ammount of detail put into the game was incredible. You can see the texture on the walls! The atmosphere was super erie and had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! Great game, i look forward to more from your studio.


you can take Notes of Obsession for mac?

this is the best free horror game I've played

good job guys!

how do you install this game pls , help


This was a great game! I loved it! I want more. haha

(1 edit)

The scariest game I've played in a long, long while. Just wow.

Will there be a Mac OS X version too?


Heyyy, I really enjoyed the whole game experience! Congratulation guys from Creaky Stairs Studios , that was amazing!

I did a gameplay on my channel! Hope you like it! Put on your headphones, breath deep and grab your music box, because thinks will get pretty spooky around this Swedish house!

How do you link your actual video like that?

<iframe width="500" height="281" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Deleted post

the game was done with what engine ?

Unity/cry engine/udk?


(11 edits) (+1)
  • GamePlay Spanish GOOD GAME...

Just finished my Let's Play on Notes of Obsession, and I gotta tell you guys it's a nice bit of eyef**k and mindf**k you put together. What are you going to do for an encore?

(3 edits)

just a small fish on youtube but here is my video >> << the game is wicked spoopy wicked sexy, wicked atmospheric and I highly recommend playing it! hopefully this game is going to continue to grow and adapt it is most definitely the best game I have played for my youtube. stay awesome everyone!

so from what I have gathered, I would say the monster is to symbolise the child shown in the family portrait. The mother might have some sort of mental issues or is scared of the child therefore making her perception of him being a monster, she has woken up alone with the father not being in the house (perhaps he left for a night shift at his workplace) and she is petrified not knowing what to do. She owes to the child's room to see if he is asleep or some other reason and sees he is gone, the shadow and the monster being leggless could have been a problem at birth or a later incident. The music box could Have been her mothers and meant a lot to her so she felt safe with it. When she was in the cupboard she could have been hiding and the child wanted to know if she was okay but saw it as a threat and got scared. When she killed the creature that would then conclude her killing her son especially up above the painting

please tell me if I am right or wrong

We at Creaky Stairs Studios believe it is much more fun for you players to find any hidden meanings with the monster and the symbols, rather than us giving away the answers. That's why we won't confirm or deny any theory given.

Awww ok

whats the point of the monster and why are there symbols

if you read what I have just posted I don't know if this is the answer?! :

(1 edit)

This is a really great game, complete with awesome atmosphere and a unique method of using the music box to find the symbols :)

I also made a video of myself playing it, and spoiling myself out of fear:

Can we play it with a controller?

Not at the moment

(2 edits)

I am mgc81 of Argentina, the game is excellent the congratulations and leave a GAMEPLAY in Spanish ...

Hola soy mgc81 de Argentina , el juego esta excelente los quiero felicitar y les dejo un GAMEPLAY en Español...

GamePlay Spanish

Just played this game last night. LOVED the way it looked. I am a huge wuss when it comes to horror games but Horror Puzzle games where you cant REALLY lose are exactly what i love playing because i like being scared but i hate the adrenaline of trying to run away from something.

Of course, like many I make youtube videos if you would like to see the video its over at -

I really enjoyed this game and wish i could find more like it.

You folks are very talented. Awesome game and graphics. I did have a major glitch while playing. It is at the end of my video. Thanks for allowing me to record a video. Really fun game!


Hi, glad you liked our game. It seems that the animations may behave wrongly when playing on a slow computer with very low frame rate. This is something we probably won't be able to fix since it mostly has to do with how unreal handles our code when the frame rate is low. I suggest that you turn down the graphics and/or the resolution. With a bit better frame rate the game should run fine


Gotta say the atmosphere in this game was absolutely spot on! The sound design was fantastic and I genuinely felt paranoid looking for the last few runes in the downstairs area!!

To say you're a small indie studio (and Game Design students at that) the quality displayed in this game was phenomenal and you put other Indie Devs who charge for re-used asset pack games to shame!

I recorded a video on the game and you can probably tell how much I enjoyed it!

I very much look forward to your next project! Keep up the good work!!

Downloading it now Judging by the comments and the Video I doubt Ill be disappointed.


When i click the download button, the file dose not download all the way and when it finishes downloading the the file appears to be broken. Help!

The files seems to be undamaged. Try to download with a different browser


SO GOOD game i really enjoyed it
Here is my try :P


O jogo roda em qualquer pc?

(1 edit)

I'm sorry but I don't understand portuguese :( Are you asking if it is available on something else then PC? If that is the question I'm afraid the answer is no. It is only available for PC.

He is asking if the game can run on any computer, a.k.a. the requirements

(2 edits)

You need to have a somewhat good computer. But you can change the graphic settings in the game to make it run better on a slow PC


This game is an amazing short little horror game. The graphics are great, the sound design is excellent, and the little details really make this game stand out. I wasn't expecting this game to be what it was but I was pleasantly surprised. The best part of this game is the atmosphere it sets up. Everything comes together to make this game a real treat to play. All in all, one of the best indie horror games I have played to date and I can't wait to see what the developers come up with next. I did a video on my experience with the game if anyone is interested.

WHAT A DEADLY MELODY | Notes of Obsession

Thats great to hear! Thanks alot for those kind words! Great video, and you nailed the main part of the story!

Is it allowed to make a gameplay video for YouTube?

-Programmer for Notes of Obsession

Can we play it with a controller?

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